After Priyanka Chopra it is Deepika Padukone who is making the Bollywood industry all proud. The Piku actress is very much in news these days after she began with her Hollywood project. It looks like she is winning the hearts of the Hollywood as well. Deepika is ranking number one when we talk are talking about Hollywood and Hollywood projects.
Let’s have a look at these pictures and see who Deepika has rushed into :
A photo posted by Deepika Padukone (@deepikapadukone) on
A photo posted by Deepika Padukone (@deepikapadukone) on
Our on screen alter egos.”Becky” the Tech Nerd + “Serena” the films female badass. @deepikapadukone #XXXtheMovie
— Nina Dobrev (@ninadobrev) April 1, 2016