Experts advise that we get around eight hours of sleep each night (this is a suggestion and can vary from person to person), but as a whole we don’t get the amount of sleep that we need. There are many factors that can prohibit us from sleeping well, but there are also many simple changes that we can make to enhance the quality and quantity of sleep. Here are seven ways to get a better nights’ sleep.
Pull up your socks
Exercising is beneficial for all aspects of your life and studies show that people who exercise regularly may sleep better and have more energy during the day. Exercising too close to bedtime, however, can interfere with sleep and make it harder for some to fall asleep. Working out raises core body temperature, heart rate and stimulates the bodies’ release of adrenaline. While the post-exercise drop in temperature and heart rate may promote falling asleep, it can also take a few hours, making it harder to wind down.
Meditate Mindfully
A meditation technique where you focus on your breathing and bring your attention to the present. By forcing yourself to not think about the past or the future, the body has a physiological shift away from the stress response. A study found that those who participated in meditation and exercises that focused on “moment-by-moment experiences” had less insomnia, fatigue and depression than those who took a class on improving sleep habits.
Cozy bedding
Having the proper pillow (it’s recommended that side sleepers have a firm pillow, back sleepers have a medium firm pillow and front sleepers have a soft pillow), mattress and bedding can be crucial to having a good night sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, over 90 percent of people say that a comfortable mattress and pillows are necessary for good sleep. About three quarters of people agreed that comfortable sheets, bedding and even pajamas contribute to quality sleep. Experts advise that you replace your pillows every year, and your mattress every eight!
Positive Vibes
There are many external factors that can contribute to how well you sleep including the color and temperature of your room. Having your room painted a calming color scheme could be the missing link for a perfect eight hours. Cool colors, including blues, greens and greys reduce heart rate, slow respiration, and lower blood pressure and dilate blood vessels and thus promote better sleep. Warm colors (reds, yellows, oranges), however, increase heart rate and blood pressure and make it harder for you to relax. In addition, sleep experts say that for most people, a cool room (around 65 degrees) makes for the best sleep.
Say No to Electronics
Using technology before bed reduces melatonin levels by 23% and makes it much harder for us to fall asleep. Experts suggest shutting off your computer, TV and smartphone at least one hour before bed so that the blue light doesn’t disrupt natural melatonin production. They also recommend sleeping in complete darkness as any amount of light triggers the brain to stay awake.
Early to bed
Whether it’s reading a book, sipping a cup of caffeine-free tea (try ALOHA Clean Tea—it contains Nettle Leaf, which can assist with sound sleep), listening to soothing music, or taking a bedtime bath, it’s helpful to have some sort of ritual to help calm you down before you sleep. Also, keeping a regular sleep schedule (going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day) is useful for maintaining the timing of your internal clock.
Plug in to relaxing music
The best secret to get a good sleep throughout the night is to play relaxing and calming music in the backdrop. There is a huge chunk of playlist provided on the You Tube for such relief-driven music which not only helps you get a good sound sleep but also lets you relax and soothe the inner senses. Some of them have been derived from the natural echoes, using piano and flute as the only source of musical instruments to provide a sensation of sigh and content, this helps you sleep faster.