Say Goodbye to Saggy Dry Skin with this Wonderful DIY Face Mask

Dry skin and chapped lips are in this season because of the rough chilly winters. Of course, you need to moisturize your skin and nourish with all the creamy and oily ingredients to stay hydrated and glowing. Honey has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties that are great for healing the skin and keeping bacteria and fungus at bay. Honey is also great for brightening your facial complexion. We don’t need to get into coconut oil, because it’s just awesome for any skin type and it helps the dead skin cells to eventually go away. Well, the benefits of coconut oil, they are endless. It is like a miracle product. Just make sure the honey is raw (not generally found at your typical grocery store), and the coconut oil is organic.

Quick Tip: If you have some handy, include a few drops of fresh lemon juice into your mixture to help tighten and shrink pores!


If you are doing the recipe without lemon juice:

Use 1 Tablespoon coconut oil, and 1 Tablespoon honey.

If you are doing the recipe with lemon juice:

Use 1 Tablespoon coconut oil, 2 teaspoons honey, and 1 teaspoon lemon juice

Directions: Mix your raw honey and coconut oil together until you have a sticky (well-mixed) texture. It may seem thick at first, but the honey and coconut oil will actually warm up and soften on your face, so be prepared for drips!

Let the mask dry for about 15-20 minutes and rinse your face with lukewarm water.



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