Rohit Khandelwal has become the first Indian to win the coveted title of Mr. World at a grand ceremony on 19th July 2016 at Southport Theatre, Floral Hall, The Promenade, Southport. The competition saw 47 participants from around the world, giving him a stiff competition. Rohit Khandelwal received a whopping cash prize of $50,000/- on winning this celebrated title. Rohit looked dapper in a tuxedo designed by Couture designer Nivedita Saboo.
Rohit was seen competing for various sub-titles at the pageant like Mr. World Multimedia Award, Mr. World Talent, Mobstar People’s Choice Awards, Mr. World Sports Event and many more and won the sub-title of Mr Multimedia. Apart from Rohit, Mr Scotland won the Extreme challenge, Mr England was the winner of Sports challenge, Mr China won Style and fashion and Poland won the talent challenge. They were fast-tracked to TOP 10 of Mr World 2016.
Rohit is the first Indian and Asian to win the prestigious Mr. World 2016 title. He hails from Hyderabad and is a model and actor by profession.