It sure was a swanky evening at the launch of Rohit Bal Crystal at Palladium in Mumbai recently. The crème de la crème of the city gathered to raise a toast with the design mogul Rohit Bal on his new venture. From wine glasses, champagne flutes to whiskey decanters & from cups, vases, platters to salvers the exquisite crystal ware collection on display designed and conceptualized by Rohit Bal himself sure did leave the guests mesmerized. These collectibles are made from the finest quality 24% lead crystal and have been hand cut and hand crafted & has a generous use of pure gold and platinum as borders and edges.
Amongst those who attended the soiree were M.S. Dhoni famed actress KiaraAdvani; socialites Aarti Surendranath with her husband KailashSurendranath, ChhayaMomaya, YasminMorani, Sameer Seth with his wife Palak Seth, RohiniMacker, Kunika Singh; Consul General of Hungary in Mumbai Dr. Norbert Revai-Bere with his wife Anita; Social Activist AnjushaChaughule; Kathak Dancer Seema Mehta; Singer Parvati Khan; French Designer VéroniquePolès; Director Abhijit Das; Entrepreneurs Omer Haider, TonoMatulcik, Tushqa Manish Chawdhry, Nikhiel Kumar; Actor Krishna Chaturvedi; Models Imrann Ahmad, Gaurav Chaudhary & Designer RashmiDogra amongst many others.
Ecstatic on the launch Rohit Bal commented “This collection is the culmination of one year of an intense romance between me and my pure love for glass and crystal. When I look at the collection my heart is filled with a tremendous feeling of joy, love and a sense of achievement. I hope you enjoy this much as I do, with a deep sense of attachment, since it has been after all a labour of love.”
With champagne & canapés doing the rounds all evening it sure will be an affair to remember for a long time to come!