Pooja Bhatt recently sent movie buffs into a state of frenzy when she shared an adorable photo on Instagram. In it, her sister and popular actress Alia is seen spending some quality time with the gorgeous Katrina Kaif. As expected, the lovely ladies seemed to be enjoying each other’s company to the fullest. Interestingly, while sharing it, Pooja stated that Kat and Alia were almost like sisters.
This could well be titled SIBLING revelry!! Ok so I told both these gorgeous women this picture was JUST for me but they look so damn good together I could not help but share it! They could well be sisters! Not merely for their looks but also for their hilarious banter that you have to hear to believe.
As it so happens, Kat and Alia have a busy year ahead. Alia is currently shooting for Badrinath Ki Dulhania. On the other hand, B-Town’s resident ‘Chikni Chameli’ will soon be seen in Baar Baar Dekho and Jagga Jasoos.