A very famous Bollywood and wedding designer Anita Dongre has brought a great news to all you fashionistas awaiting for your beautiful ensembles to be delivered at the comfort of your home. House of Anita Dongre, a popular Indian designer fashion house has recently made purchasing via Instagram accessible for all it’s users.
It has made all the shopping hassles free for it’s end elite users. The troubles of placing an order or how to buy a certain outfit not available in the retail stores is now solved.
House of Anita Dongre encompasses of brands like AND, Global Desi, Anita Dongre Grassroot, Anita Dongre, Anita Dongre Grassroot.
“We are proud to be the first Indian fashion house in the country to introduce this breakthrough technology. As a fashion house, we are constantly working towards enhancing the shopping experience for our customers across every touch point, and this innovation in technology is our latest endeavour to make shopping from our brands even more convenient and accessible.”
“We are confident that this new feature will increase the functionality of Instagram for our brands, thereby allowing our customers to browse and shop simultaneously,” said Mukesh Sawlani, Managing Director, House Of Anita Dongre Limited.