Rajdeep Ranawat, a Delhi based designer shares his day in-and-out which majorly revolves around logic, planning, risk and delicious grub.
BALANCED LIFE : Work hard and take some time off each day to unwind with a bit of a stroll in the park around the premises or talk to a good friend and spend the rest of the time with the family at home…
WORK-LIFE & PERSONAL LIFE BALANCE : Work life is a daily dose of creative juices that run in my veins starting at 10:00 am till about 7:00 pm. I do keep it simple in between all day to relax a bit, maybe have a cuppa and some snacks along with keeping my personal life separate by spending time with the family and taking them out for a movie once in two weeks. Although I love to unwind at my home with a few hours of Netflix every evening that clears my mind off the work stress!
ENERGY AND HAPPINESS : A few cups of Nespresso in my favourite flavours like Vanilio, Caramelito and Rosabaya!!! A multivitamin each morning after breakfast keeps me on my toes and pretty alert as well!! Happiness to me is seeing some new creations everyday at my workplace. Something pretty that gets realised from a concept or a dream is truly energising.
CRISIS MANAGEMENT : Go for some sweet desserts, macaroons are on top of my list. Attack the mall or some of my favourite brands for some retail therapy. Everything else falls back into place once my mind is at rest.
SUCCESS/FAILURE STRATEGY : No strategy for my success. I just believe in my work and aim towards creating something new and novel each season for my faithful clients. A strategy for failure-work harder!!! Simple!!!
INSPIRATION : Everything around me is an inspiration. Although nature, art and architecture plays the most vital role in form of inspiration to me.
RISK TAKER OR A FULL-PROOF PLANNER : Is there anything that is not a risk? Everyday day we take risks in terms of the decisions we make at our work place and personal life as well. A wrong decision is a risky attempt to make things go wrong in your life.
But taking risks is going to teach us to take a better decision the next time. So go ahead and take them all. Nothing is ever going to be full proof! Experiences teach us everything in life and make us the person we are!
DE-STRESS MANTRA : Desserts, retail and a movie!!!
FITNESS FILE : Walk on the treadmill or aim towards reaching my daily goal of burning calories on my watch!!!!
SPIRITUALITY : I don’t understand it!!! I am too scientific!