It was 30th August 2017 midnight when the photo of most adorable twins went viral and all thanks to Karan Johar. Karan Johar became a father earlier this year via surrogacy. He took to Instagram and shared the very first photo of Yash & Rohi and as you can see they are looking supremely adorable;e and cute.
According to reports, the babies were born prematurely and had to be kept in neonatal intensive care for more than a month. “I am ecstatic to share with you all the two most wonderful additions to my life, my children, and lifelines; Roohi and Yash. I feel enormously blessed to be a parent to these pieces of my heart who were welcomed into this world with the help of the marvels of medical science” Karan had said in a statement then.
Karan had also said, “At 44, this is my biggest blockbuster.”
All we can say is, YES! It’s a million dollar blockbuster that we can’t stop looking at.
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