The Hrithik Roshan and Kangana Ranaut fight has taken a huge twirl in the Indian Cinemas. They are making big headlines in social media since last few days. Starting from sending legal notices to each other, leaking out personal photographs they have gone down to every possible level to embarrass each other in public. All the celebrities starting from Vidya Balan, Akshay Kumar, Sonam Kapoor- everybody has given their views on this controversy. Some people have criticized The Tanu weds Manu actor- Kangana Ranaut while the others are really not impressed with the way Hrithik has handled the matter. Adhyayan Suman who was one of Kangana’s ex boyfriend was seen taking the Agneepath actor- Hrithik Roshan’s side. He said that he understands what condition Hrithik Roshan is in and he has also faced the same when he was in a relationship with Kangana.
Whereas Actors like Vidya Balan and Sonam Kapoor has been taking Kangana’s side as Kangana is a woman. Akshay Kumar said that the battle is not on in bollywood but in his building. Actor Hrithik Roshan happens to stay in the same building as Akshay Kumar. He even said in an event that he wants the fight and controversy to end as soon as possible.
We will have to wait and watch what the next step both the actors take against each other.