India’s exclusive e-megastore for home and kitchen appliances, has stepped up its operations as consumers are logging in for respite from air pollution clouding visibility and affecting health across Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR). How desperate consumers are to escape the ill-effects of the smog blanketing the region can be gauged from the mindboggling 400% surge in sales of air purifiers and dehumidifiers across brands, including Kent, Philips, Panasonic etc.
Commenting on the unprecedented rush, Sachin Goel, CEO, HomePunch, “We had anticipated that as the focussed online megastore of domestic appliances, HomePunch would draw people seeking air purifiers and dehumidifiers after Diwali, when the air anyway becomes quite thick with pollution. The sales surge, however, is unexpected. We have alerted all our brands, their wholesale and retail networks to be ready with available stocks. To ensure more and more people are able to buy the devices irrespective of the price points, we are offering up to 40% discounts. Given the HomePunch business model we have also put in place processes to ensure smooth, seamless and speedy last-mile delivery.”
According to experts, the smog is the result of farmers burning crop-residue in and around Delhi-NCR, unsettled dust due to heavy construction activities and vehicular emissions, further intensified by cracker-burning during Diwali on October 31st. Generally, light rains help bring down air-pollution levels post Diwali celebrations. However, the rain gods this year have not been too benevolent on Delhi and surrounding regions.
Since HomePunch began operations in April’16 and till beginning of October, the Online megastore sold about 90-100 air purifiers and dehumidifiers on a monthly basis. Since October 31st, the e-megastore has clocked a demand of 500+, five times the earlier demand in a month. The devices on HomePunch range from INR 2500 to INR 20000 before discount.
HomePunch offers the most expansive range of quality goods that include highly sought-after products by globally renowned brands such as Panasonic, Kent, Philips, and Sharp. From standard and table top air purifiers, rechargeable ones and CAR Air purifiers, HomePunch has the most diverse and affordable selection to cleanse the air its consumers. At present, some of the most popular products on the platform are Kent External Room Purifier, Kent Aura Table Top Air Purifier, and Sharp IG-CL 15E-W Room Air Purifier.
With the air quality deteriorating rapidly in and around the Delhi-NCR region, HomePunch has, apart from offering best deals on air purifiers, assigned dedicated resources on ensuring express delivery of the appliances to help avoid unnecessary health complications.
About HomePunch:
HomePunch is an Indian online home appliances megastore with a specialisation in small appliances, offering the widest range of quality products under one roof.