Khoudia Diop, a Senegalese model, has taken the internet by storm with her skin tone. Her melanin-rich skin colour has been shattering stereotypes about beauty. With 120k followers on Instagram, Diop has been referred to as ‘darky,’ ‘daughter of the night,’ and ‘mother of stars,’ among other things, because of her complexion and features. Khoudia rose to fame after being photographed for The Coloured Girl Campaign, and is now inspiring thousands of people.
Diop has admitted to not always being so confident. In one Instagram post, she spoke about being bullied and called names while she was growing up because of her skin tone. She wrote, “Bulies use to come with all kind of names thinking i’ll feel bad about my color well guess what i loved them all and showed them how much i didn’t care about what they think. (sic)”