India’s premier organic food venture ‘I Say Organic’ made a step ahead and got offline with a flagship store at the upscale Select CityWalk Mall, New Delhi recently. Started in 2012 with the mission of bridging the gap between local farmers and increasingly conscientious consumers, I Say Organic has come to be known as the destination for all things farm fresh and organic which is easily accessible, affordable and certifiably authentic.
Further adding momentum to the increasing consumption shift towards sustainably sourced produce and providing impetus to the still nascent ecological agriculture practices in the country, the I Say Organic flagship store will stock a wide range of fruits, vegetables, grains, spices, and sweeteners delivered daily fresh from local farms for that assured quality matching the discerning standards of the modern conscious consumers. I Say Organic currently serve over 7000 households routinely across Delhi/NCR, and delivers 7 days a week.
The I Say Organic flagship store will not only retail an exhaustive range of fresh produce but will also serve as an experiential space that brings forth the importance of organic food, healthy eating and sustainable living through interactive murals, informative brand packaging materials. The space not only houses organic produce but also a health bar offering organic and cold pressed juices created with the freshest produce on offer with plans to introduce an a la carte selection of healthy appetizers and main courses including salads, soups, wraps and stir fries.
In addition to stocking the entire online I Say Organic merchandise, the store will also retails additional exclusive food and grocery packages alongside special services like creating your own fruit/food baskets. As a means of inducting the customers into a holistic approach to healthy living, the store will feature interactive stations with tablets educating the visitors on product specific nutrition information, expert nutritionist’s recommendations, DIY organic recipes etc. along with an interactive map charting the journey of the produce on offer from farm to store, acquainting the customers with the farmers who grew the food they will be consuming.
Visit I Say Organic at Select CityWalk Mall, Delhi, order online at or call 011 41087447