Designer Juhi Bhavsar (NIFT)


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Do you plan to pursue a career in design at this point?

Yes. A career in design is very much what I’d want. Designing was never a passion but eventually it grew upon me. Now, I know the joys of creating something new from something I have newly learnt or experienced, and that joy is what I’d want to live with for the rest of my life.
What are you most proud of, out of all you have accomplished and learned in the last 4 years at NIFT?
I am really proud of the fact that I have imbibed the essence of a professional designer and have been able to achieve an internal sync between my creative and professional side. Also, my Graduation Collection-” Harbingers of Storm” will always be the closest to my heart, it being my first collection and a stepping stone towards more evolutionary fashion.
How do you learn new techniques? Do you take classes?
New sensibilities, techniques and trends are always present and in process around us. They can only be learned through the natural process of discovery. 
So has it been hard being a young designer? 
No.Not at all. To be frank and blatant about it, I wouldn’t even consider myself  “a young designer”. A lot needs to be achieved and difficulties will be a part of the process which I don’t mind facing. The love for creation will definitely take over the pain of creation.
What kind of model do you typically look for to convey your brand message?
A model becomes the muse in front of the camera, for the photographer, for the brand and essentially for the designer to convey and present his/ her creation, design and philosophy. So, a lot lies on the model’s shoulder. As far as I am concerned as a designer, my muse for portrayal of the brand would be someone who is petite, versatile and a plethora of emotions that can be easily harnessed in front of the camera. Someone who is ready to lay undefended in front of the lens and yet be undaunted.
Do you have a specific research process when you start a new collection?
Design, for me, has always been( and will always be) an inspired product. Research does matter but only after the inspiration. The maximum research that I go through are the books at college, online journals and magazines, and amazing conversations with the beautiful and knowledgeable people around me.
Who inspires you the most in fashion? Anyone who stands out?
Everyone in fashion is a dignitary in his/ her own right mostly because of the fact that they have achieved certain stature by exploring and converting their vision and imagination into something material and beautiful, which I believe, takes insurmountable patience and passion. However, to name a few, Alexander McQueen, Iris van Herpen and Alexander Wang will start my list. Also, a Sabyasachi piece will always be the most beautiful thing in the world.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

I haven’t planned so far out into the future as yet but I’d definitely like to see myself as a level headed individual who will be learning and creating people’s fantasies.
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