Our quest to understand and comprehend the nature of the Divinities is as old as time itself. As the years have unfolded this quest has taken many roads to reach an answer – science, logic, reason. With each scientific leap forward, rationalists have come closer to the nature of our earth; piece by piece trying to dismiss the reality and relevance of the Gods.
And yet, the mystery remains a hypnotic puzzle, defying the onslaught of deconstruction and remains the one question that has never been truly answered.
How do we truly understand that which is so complex and simple at the same time? Are the Gods real? Or are the Gods something humans made up to conquer their fear of the unknown? Who needs the Gods when reason presents such dazzling displays of proof and truth?
Our ancient land has always embraced this mystery with a sweet surrender. A history steeped in myth and folklore where humans and Gods have seamlessly enacted their part in history. For some strange reason the existence of the Gods does not shake our belief in reason. Our Gods are not unattainable or incomprehensible. They embody all that makes us human – our strengths and our weaknesses; our loves and desires. The Divine is not unattainable. The road to our Divine is paved with stones of acceptance and love.
This is Samarpan. Embracing the incomprehensible with love and devotion, and making it one’s own. This sublime acceptance is the core of artiste Ramesh Gorjala’s continuing journey into the heart of our mythology and folklore surrounding our Gods and Goddesses.
Ramesh’s work continues the inward journey into the depths of Indian mythology. With his trademark use of intricate Kalamkari and beautiful earthy tones, his art brings a subtle joy into the heart. Each creation leaves you with an inexplicable sense of connection to our ancient mythology. A connection we deeply crave in this ultra-modern age.
Evening function on the first day
Date: 9th November, 2016
Time: 6:30pm onwards
Venue: Visuals Art Gallery, IHC