It was an evening celebrating womanhood and courage when Delhi based designer Varija Bajaj broke away from the mundane by making four faces from the media and fashion industry as the show stopper of a fashion show titled- Padgi. The show was in association with Swati Modo, a designer footwear label owned by Swati Mehrotra.
‘Pagdi’ — the traditional headgear — was the highpoint of the show, as according to the designer, it’s a symbol of honour, respect and responsibility in all the regions where it is a practice to wear them.
“From time immemorial, it is the men of the society who wear pagdis, which signifies their responsibility for the protection and welfare of the family. But Pagdi as the main theme of the show was an ode to womanhood,” Bajaj said.
“Today, it is women who are actually responsible for laying a strong foundation not only for their family but society as a whole. The show was dedicated to these women who are today the drivers of growth and future,” added Varija.
The muses for this fashion evening were the former Miss India and Show Director Liza Verma; owner and editor of luxury style portal Explosive Fashion, Jasmeen Duggal; Luxe Point India and Wedding Fables Editorial Director Aarti Thapa, and IANS’ Special Correspondent Nivedita.