Air Pollution skyrockets on Diwali

Festivals are becoming more significant in terms of ostentatious and opulence keeping in mind the exoribant rise in prices for everything related to decor, dresses and even dining. So when the people have enough to burn their hard earned money on all things junk, why not crackers? Oh yes, that’s excatly what happened. According to the reports by Centre for Science and Environment, Delhi observed a rise of 6-10% in air pollution as compared to 2006. The influence of Chinese crackers in the market also resulted in a huge haul. No wonder why people are admitted to hospitals and beds are full.




Environmental groups and eco-clubs are fighting against the pollution but it looks more like a losing battle. Diwali is a festival of lights, not crackers”, “celebrate an eco-sensitive Diwali this year”, but nobody seems to take notice. Apart from the noise, crackers release a lot of toxic gases like Sulfur dioxide and Nitrogen dioxide which can lead to many health problems.

Impact of Air Pollution on Health



Air Pollution can lead to hazardous health diseases including lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, and allergies in adults. It can also lead to acute respiratory infections amongst children. Suspended particulate matter can also cause asthama, bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases.

Sulfur dioxide can damage lungs and lead to lung disorders like wheezing and shortness of breath.Oxides of Nitrogen can cause skin problems, eye irritation, and cause respiratory problems in children.

Solution to air pollution


To avoid the loud decibel noise of crackers, music etc during Diwali season plug in ear buds or cotton in the kids’ ears. It is a big task, but put a mask on the infant to prevent the baby from inhaling smoke and polluted air.

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