Recently, Reshma Quereshi wooed everyone at the New York Fashion Week when she walked the ramp for designer Archana Kochhar. Now, another acid attack surviour Laxmi impressed all when she walked the runway in London for a charity event. Laxmi’s partner Alok and her daughter Pihu accompanied her for the show. She is also set to grace the ramp at the prestigious London Fashion Week (LFW) to be held from September 16 to 20.
On September 12, Laxmi along with another acid attack surviour from the United Kingdom, Adele Bellis, walked the ramp at British Asian Trust charity fashion show to raise awareness about atrocities against women. Organised by private family-run charity GMSP and British Asian Trust, the event launched the ‘Give A Girl A Future’ campaign, which will support some of the poorest people in South Asian countries. The 26-year-old social activist and founder of the NGO ‘Stop Acid Attacks’, was attacked with acid when she was just 15.
24-year-old Adele Bellis was attacked by her boyfriend in 2014, permanently damaging one of her ears. The duo walked for designer Raishma who said she was honoured and privileged to have supported a charity that “improves the lives of vulnerable girls, women and their families in South Asia” according to a report by Mashable.